Diurnal parallax — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal parallax — Parallax Par al*lax, n. [Gr. ? alternation, the mutual inclination of two lines forming an angle, fr. ? to change a little, go aside, deviate; para beside, beyond + ? to change: cf. F. parallaxe. Cf. {Parallel}.] 1. The apparent displacement, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal Parallax — Parallax is the apparent displacement of the position of a celestial object on the celestial sphere when seen from two different places. The Diurnal Parallax is the parallactic shift of a celestial object when seen from two points that are one … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
diurnal parallax — noun the parallax of a celestial body using two points on the surface of the earth as the earth rotates • Syn: ↑geocentric parallax • Hypernyms: ↑parallax • Hyponyms: ↑horizontal parallax, ↑solar parallax * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
diurnal parallax — parinis paralaksas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. diurnal parallax; geocentric parallax vok. Tagesparallaxe, f rus. суточный параллакс, m pranc. parallaxe diurne, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
diurnal parallax — Astron. See under parallax (def. 2). * * * … Universalium
diurnal parallax — /daɪˌɜnəl ˈpærəlæks/ (say duy.ernuhl paruhlaks) noun → parallax (def. 2) …
Diurnal — Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal aberration — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal arc — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diurnal circle — Diurnal Di*ur nal, a. [L. diurnalis, fr. dies day. See {Deity}, and cf. {Journal}.] 1. Relating to the daytime; belonging to the period of daylight, distinguished from the night; opposed to {nocturnal}; as, diurnal heat; diurnal hours. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English